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  • She lost $4,000 USD to a "European billionaire" and $17,000 USD in bitcoin to a "UN Commander"

She lost $4,000 USD to a "European billionaire" and $17,000 USD in bitcoin to a "UN Commander"

How a Widowed Mother Lost Over $21,000 To A Romance Scammer

“My mom is doomed.”

A son recently shared his experience on Reddit of witnessing his mom fall prey to multiple scammers. Putting his mother’s financial stability and his family’s inheritance at risk.

“After roughly a week of my father's passing, my mom went to court to get into my father's savings and life insurance. She promised us we'd inherit the money eventually and that she would be widowed forever. She lied.”

His mom became active on social media, posting about her family, life, etc. on Facebook. She hoped to find an ideal man who would care for her and the family. Men started popping up out of nowhere.


Soon after, his mom started talking to a man, we'll call Z. He was (supposedly) from Europe, a millionaire, and professed his love to her. She stayed in contact with Z through texting and calling, but no video calls or in-person meetups.

Finally, Z was ready to meet in person so he packed up a suitcase with cash, and went to a nearby airport. At the airport, his money was confiscated and became "black money.” Mom wanted to help Z, and was instructed that she needed to pay to make the money clean again.

She paid… but it wasn’t over.

She was then informed that the airport required an additional tax, which she paid. After sending all that money, Z never showed up. And still, she believed that Z loved her.

This is where I wish the story ended, but as the redditor explains…


“Just this past week, my siblings uncovered another scammer. As we all know, once you fall to it, they'll come knocking at your door again. And that's what happened.”

We'll call this new guy X. He was supposedly working as a contractor for the UN, and they fell quickly in love via text messages. Suddenly, while on deployment in Syria, he sustained a leg injury and wanted to go on leave to be with her.

To do so, he explained she must be registered as his fiancé to request his leave. To register, she was supposed to contact the UN Commander via his Gmail address and send her SSN, signature, address, as well as other information.

Shortly after being "officially a couple", they required money to pay for his leave. The reasoning was that the war in Syria forced them to freeze all of X’s money in their banks.

She then goes on to spend over $17,000 in bitcoin, which she sends to the UN Commander.

After all of this, X is nowhere to be found. The text messages and promises end when the money dries up. Yet, she refuses to believe they're scams. She insists they love her.

The son continues to explain his anguish and that of his siblings:

“I'm so unhappy and traumatized from this, as well as all of my siblings.

And, at the end of it all, my mom. I love my mom. We all do. We want her to be happy, even if that happiness - which is, her remarrying/finding a new lover other than our dad - hurts us. But not like this. Not like this at all.”